Thursday, May 31, 2012

Setting teeth in a Class I when its a Class II jaw relation

What would the problems a patient with a Class II jaw relationship could possibly encounter if a full maxillary and mandibular denture for that patient were set up in a Class I occlusion.

Exaggerated labial and buccal position of mandibular teeth would create:

·         Labial lip infringement of mandibular anteriors if set into normal Class I relationship.
·         Denture tilting when incising
·         Injury to ridge and soft tissues
·         Phonetic problem (S and th)
·         Possible aesthetic disfiguration leading to psychological problems (self conscious and uncomfortable with the dentures)
·         Insufficient maxillary labial support due to compromising maxillary anterior position to reduce the labial overjet.
·         Change in lip and cheek muscle support if mandibular posterior teeth are set off the ridge in an exaggerated buccal position to occlude with maxillary posterior teeth in Class I position.
·         Lever action and dislodgement of mandibular denture during function
(leverage stresses could also lead to possible fracture of mandibular denture)
·         Denture tilting when incising                                                                 


  1. No comments posted so no more posts on questions

    1. Good day ma'am
      Thank you very much for the information you posted. May I please ask what pages or sections are important to learn for the exam on Tuesday?

      Kind regards

  2. Hello ms D
    In the block planner, it says that we must be able to explain the setting of Class I,II,III jaw relationships. For how many marks should we be able to explain this?
