Thursday, June 28, 2012

Occlusal concepts and occlusal schemes

Students please discuss these topics. How they are different but interlink with each other.

Post links to articles you have found that discusses these topics and that you have found interesting.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Articulators and the role they play

Please discuss how articulators assist us as dental technicians with the simulation of jaw movement with the setting of posterior teeth.

This item is for 2012 third yr students CPUT.

Post your comments on the blog

Monday, June 11, 2012

Important things to note when setting teeth for FF

When setting teeth for full edentulous cases, important things to look out for:
1. Always set the mandibular teeth on the middle of the ridge for the stability of the denture
2. The maxillary anterior teeth should never be set further forward than 5 mm anterior to the mandibular ridge (anterior-posterior)
3. Always ensure that you have achieved proper centric occlusion
4. Always ensure that you follow the mandibular ridge curvature when setting the teeth for the curve of Spee and that this curve follows an equal curve towards the posterior on both the left and the right.
5. Always maintain the lip line
6. Always maintain the inter alveolar distance
7. The overbite and overjet should always be set according to your curve of Spee. If you curve of Spee is shallow then your overbite and overjet should also be shallow.

What else do you think are important factors to look at when doing an edentulous set up for class I.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Last post for this block

You guys do not deserve all my efforts. The only way you can show your gratitude is by doing well in the exams which will be reflected in your marks.

Class III, setting of anterior teeth

What are the factors that needs to be taken into consideration when setting anterior teeth of a Class III jaw relationship with regard to choice of teeth , overbite, angular ion of teeth and the overjet.
The difficulty is usually the selection of the anterior teeth which needs to span the gap on the mandibular ridge.
See Winkler for more information

Class III

In a Class III jaw relationship the posterior teeth are set in a certain manner because the mandible is larger than the maxilla.
See Winkler for more information

Severely resorbed mandibular ridge an a Class II

See Winkler 370
Note which teeth should be used and how the teeth should be set to accommodate for masticatory forces in order to not dislodge

Class II

What are the aims , for the technician to follow, with a Class II jaw relationship?
First thing to consider would be the setting of the anterior teeth, by taking into consideration aesthetics.
We as dental technicians should remember to create denture stability with the setting of the posterior teeth, this for masticatory purposes.
When setting teeth special care should be exercised in the area of the neutral zone, surrounding tissues, phonetics and tongue space.

Posterior palatial seal

Why is it essential to place a post dam into an edentulous maxillary denture?
The relevance is for the retention of the maxillary complete denture. The retention and stability that is achieved from adhesion, cohesion and interfacial surface tension are able to resist only those dislodging forces that act perpendicular to the denture base. ............... The duration of the time that the partial vacuum acts on the tissue is extremely small and consequently little or no irreversible alterations to the underlying mucosa will take place.

Check Winkler for the bit in between

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Setting mandibular posterior teeth for a class II

The lower anterior teeth are set for lip support
The first premolar follows the arch contour established by the anteriors
Setting the lower anterior or posterior teeth to an exaggerated labial or buccal position in relation to the lower ridge will create an unfavorable lever action on the lower.
Anatomical, modified anatomical and non anatomical teeth can be used:
Selection of the occlusal form is based on ......
Read further in Winkler
Do not be concerned about the mark allocation concentrate on the required info