Monday, June 11, 2012

Important things to note when setting teeth for FF

When setting teeth for full edentulous cases, important things to look out for:
1. Always set the mandibular teeth on the middle of the ridge for the stability of the denture
2. The maxillary anterior teeth should never be set further forward than 5 mm anterior to the mandibular ridge (anterior-posterior)
3. Always ensure that you have achieved proper centric occlusion
4. Always ensure that you follow the mandibular ridge curvature when setting the teeth for the curve of Spee and that this curve follows an equal curve towards the posterior on both the left and the right.
5. Always maintain the lip line
6. Always maintain the inter alveolar distance
7. The overbite and overjet should always be set according to your curve of Spee. If you curve of Spee is shallow then your overbite and overjet should also be shallow.

What else do you think are important factors to look at when doing an edentulous set up for class I.


  1. 1.Is max & mand. midline corresponding.
    2.Does midline correspond to line on articulation.
    3.Relation of upper anterior teeth to lower ridge.
    4.Vertical dimension.
    5.Longitudinal axis (angles) of ant teeth correct.

    1. You forgot about the relationship between the mandibular ridge and the teeth set on it as well as occlusion - centric

  2. Is this 13 the only important things?

  3. 8. Canine guidance
    9. Balanced occlusion
    10. Centric occlusion
    11. Jaw relationship

  4. The curve of monsoon should also be followed in the posterior teeth as it will aid in tooth contact during lateral excursions.
