Monday, July 30, 2012

To conclude the discussion on how the temporomandibular joint movements are accommodated or simulated by articulators

There are 3 types of adjustable articulators:
i, Non adjustable articulators - makes all the movements of the tmj, but all the movements are at fixed averages.
                                                           - example ; Hanua mate
                                                           - the simple hinge would also be an example - the only movement this articulator can simulate is an opening and closing action
                                                                                                                                                        i.e. vertical
ii, Semi adjustable articulator - these articulators are more accurate tthan the non adjustable articulators
                                                            - this articulator is set to the bite registration recorded by the dentist -  even with this registration the articulator will not make or                                                                   simulate the anitomical curvature of the tmj, nor are these movements exact.
                                                            -example; Hanau model H
                                                            - is able to move in transverse, vertical, saggital and horizontal planes
iii, Fully adjustable articulator - able to simulate the movements of the tmj more accurately  than  the other articulators
                                                            - bite registrations are constructed by means of a pantograph, which reconstructs the condylar and Bennett angles.
                                                            - this represents the exact anatomical movement of the tmj.
                                                            - more able to simulate the patient's anatomical conditions intransverse, vertical saggital and horizontal planes to a greater                                                                            degree of accuracy than  is the semi-adjustable articulator.
                                                            - example; Denar Mk II and the Pantograph

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