Thursday, March 7, 2013

2 nd year Advanced dentures portfolio

All 2nd year students must have a presentation set for the end of the block. The portfolio consists of a PowerPoint presentation of your work as well as a presentation of your practical work for the following:
Class I
Class II
Class III jaw relations for edentulous cases.

You should present a Class I balanced occlusion and a class I Lingualized occlusion try in and pit the advantages and disadvantages of these occlusal schemes.

For regular feedback post info on the Blog, Blackboard or via email once a week. No feedback will be given verbally if you have not submitted via these media.

Good luck and have fun

1 comment:

  1. I have wondered about the advancements that have been made in dentures in the past few years. I think that most people think of the older lady in the movies that has her teeth constantly falling out. It's interesting to see that they are much better than what the movies depict.
