Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Fears and objectives for Advanced dentures III block

Post your fears and expectations for this block and reflect on how your views on this block has changed or been emphasised, thinking back on 2013


  1. And again back to your busy block with loads of work (which is manageable if I had enough experience).For me not being able to provide 100% quality of the work because of the stress and not being fast enough to manage the work is making this big butterfly constantly in my tummy.

  2. My expectation for the Advanced Dentures block is to increase my quickness of producing a denture without disturbing the quality of the work. However, the worry is that trying to work too fast can in turn result in many errors and eventually set me behind in my work. Being conscious of this at all times, experimenting with new methods and techniques, not only to compare them but to evaluate whether certain methods may be suited to me. This could possibly make my denture making experiences more successful, enjoyable and less time consuming. The time taken to reflect on this portfolio can be used in preparation for the summative exam as well as written exams.

    My main fear is running out of time and if I am quick enough, failing due to quality of the cases. I firmly believe that with this portfolio, I can reach my goal and conquer any fears that I have. Recording the time to construct the denture cases and what mistakes I made along the way will ensure no repetition for the cases that follow. Therefore this means my speed will either remain constant or improve, while eliminating errors in the denture and producing a final product that meets the necessary requirements of a denture.
