Friday, January 16, 2015

Portfolios - post your reviews

Dear all

As you know I make use of written and practical portfolios as a teaching tool and you are assessed on you submission.

Please give me feedback on your opinion on the value you see in the use of the portfolio.


  1. Ms Dotwana commented in Google+
    I have planned to be more focused on practical tasks in order to complete my practical exam on time so that i might be able to get a distinction in it. 

  2. i think that the portfolio is a good measure over time when one looks back over his or her progress.

  3. The portfolio is an excellent idea for students to revise their practical work, to be able to view what they can improve on. Although it is time consuming, it remains a good activity which will help when studying for exams and to compare methods and materials for fabricating restorations. It will also assist the lecturer in knowing that the student understand their practical work and to view the students progress or regress during the course of the year/s.

  4. The portfolio is a good way to reflect on your experiences in the laboratory and to do self-evaluations on your work. It always allows you to look back and refer to past mistakes whereby you can correct it in the future.
