Friday, February 26, 2016

Pouring a primary model using an impression and not a mould

What was your experiences and what did you do wrong and how would you avoid making the same mistake again


  1. My impression was taken but was incorrect so I had to take it again which patients will go through if the impression is not taking correctly causing inconvenience to the patient. Pouring my impression I had not made enough plaster of Paris for my base so I made an extra 100 g of plaster to make a good base for my impression.

  2. I agree with Israel that having an impression taken is not a pleasant experience.
    I used a vacuum mixer to make sure that there would not be any air in my plaster mix and that any bubbles found on my model would be due to an incorrect pouring technique, but by using the vacuum mixer, I extended my mixing time and thus shortened my setting time.
    So when I started pouring the plaster into my impression, it was already thickening and I had to use a higher vibration setting on the vibrating table to get it flowing better.
    By the time I had to make the base, the plaster was so thick that I couldn't make an adequate base. This also led to me not being able to correctly position the impression on top of the base, which means additional balancing is needed when the model is trimmed.

  3. Having an impression taken was no walk in the park, and neither was was pouring a model from it afterwards as it's quite trickier than using a mould. Having to hold the impression tray on the edge of the vibrator and the Plaster that keeps flowing out the back of the tray makes it a little difficult. I also made the mistake of pouring too much plaster too quickly when the teeth of the impression tray had been filled because the Plaster was starting to set. As a result, my model had huge bubbles in the gums. Next time I will add an extra 5ml of water to the Plaster, to give me a little extra time.

  4. It was a good experience,because now we know that taking impression is not easy for patient.So we will work more carefully.
    The possibility of existence of bubbles was more.We should put the impression on the edge of vibrator and try to make the plaster flow whole the impression and then make a base.So,generally that was much more difficult than working with mold.
