Thursday, March 3, 2016

Portfolio writing

Portfolio writing: Feedback from current 2nd to 2015 BTECH students. 
1. How has the portfolio changed the way you write? If any
2. Has the portfolio changed the way in which you look at your work you fabricate?
3. Any other feedback will be appreciated 


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  2. Through personal experience, the implementation of the portfolio has been and is a great help.

    It helps you record and collect cases that you have done, which in turn helps when applying for a job. Recording all these cases using a camera with good amount of pixels, also makes you look at your work at different angle and perspective.

    Using a portfolio has definitely played its part in where I am today.

    Thank you mam

  3. The implementation of portfolio has played a great part on my work. It helped on how to collect information and put it down in writting. Most importantly regarding my work(practicals) it helped me to improve a lot as we take pictures of every work and it is easy to see where to improve.

  4. The utilization of the portfolio throughout my dental technology studies has provided many positive attributes and outcomes ,as i was able to compare and keep track of my progress in regards to the fabrication of each prosthesis. I was able to distinguish exactly where and what i did incorrectly as the portfolio served as continuous "record keeper" of my work.

    In regards to the writting, my writing and manner of arranging specific information obtained improved throughout the usage of this portfolio.

    The portfolio was something different and even though it consumed alot of your time, it had its benefits. Change is good, im glad i was a part of the change.

    Thanx Mrs D

  5. Initially a scary introduction to the system.. Not knowing what to expect.

    But a awesome variation from the normal assignments as it allowed us to reflect on procedures, re-calling any problems encountered and means inwhich those problems were solved!

    it required us as students to record daily situations encountered in the lab with the cases an therefore imprinting that specific situations on paper and in our minds.

    Well done Mam! Was always fun.. and thanks a mill for all the tough love! :)

  6. The implementation of the portfolio into the dental technology curriculum allowed us to observe and record our practical class work in our own reflective manner. It enabled us to systematically record our personal progress and engage with our work through individual critical analysis, and thereby developing our anaylytical selves. By recording our work, we were able to reflect back consistently to prevent repeated mistakes , and focus on any personal weaknesses in terms of our dexterous skills. The portfolio was a continuous assessment of our practical work, and at the end of the year it represented an exhibition of our continued progress which we could use as a source of development as we entered the next year of study.

  7. The implementation of the portfolio into the dental technology curriculum allowed us to observe and record our practical class work in our own reflective manner. It enabled us to systematically record our personal progress and engage with our work through individual critical analysis, and thereby developing our anaylytical selves. By recording our work, we were able to reflect back consistently to prevent repeated mistakes , and focus on any personal weaknesses in terms of our dexterous skills. The portfolio was a continuous assessment of our practical work, and at the end of the year it represented an exhibition of our continued progress which we could use as a source of development as we entered the next year of study.

  8. Yoh Samo commenting on boss level lol

  9. Yoh Samo commenting on boss level lol

  10. Yoh Samo commenting on boss level lol
