Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Importance of model analysis before starting any case

Thinking back to your training on primary model and the uses of it, why do you think it is so important to analyse and evaluate both your impressions and models received before starting the case?


  1. An impression should be evaluated to determine the quality by which it was taken; thus determining what the limits of the quality of the model will be.
    If mistakes are present in the impression, then such errors would be duplicated to the resulting model (such as tooth distortion or a lack of impression material in a critical area).
    The anatomical factors present on the model are analysed, such as the presence of anatomical landmarks such as fovea palatinae and frenae as well as anatomical abnormalities such as Torus Palatinus or large tuberosities. These factors assist the technician in what to do and not to do and prepare accordingly before proceeding, e.g: choose the correct size and shape teeth to use depending on the ridge form.
    In cases where bended wires are needed for the retention of a denture, the model must be analysed and the most appropriate wire adaptions are determined.

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