Thursday, April 12, 2012


I will attempt to use this space to communicate to you interesting topic to read, relate to you articles that could be useful for assignments and posts of planned sessions for the block.

Please feel free to communicate any requests via this media as well as views on information that you would like to see in and on the blog.

Thank you for your time and input.

Parents are welcome to request informtion via this media or to check on information via this media.

Mrs D.


  1. Hope all of you have a good week and after week one you have not slacked down. 2nd years, remember your drafts. Read information on occlusal schemes

  2. Class 1: this ridge relationship is one where there is a normal anterior horizontal overlap (overjet) of around 2 to 8mm when the teeth are set.
    Class 2: an excessive horizontal anterior overlap. The lower anterior teeth are located posterior to the upper anterior teeth in excess of 8mm.
    Class 3: the lower incisors may be in an edge to edge incisal relationship or may be anterior to the maxillary incisors.
    These statements are all inrelation to the anterior ridge relationship.

  3. Principal factors regarding the arrangement of teeth:
    1. Position of arch
    2. Arch form
    3. Orientation of plane
    4. Individual tooth positions for occlusion
    5. Position for aesthetics
