Wednesday, August 15, 2012

To conclude - Why Lingualised Occlusion

Lingualised occlusion is a valuable occlusal concept, because it is adaptable to so many different clinical situations. LIngualised occlusion blends many of the ideals of the anatomic and mechanical schools of thought. For most cases it is entirely appropriate because a denture isa rigid piece of denture resin that must be acceptable anatomically while functioning under the mechanical and physical laws of the constantly changing oral envronment.
LIngualised occlusion is a simple occlusal scheme to teach and to learn. It can be modified to fit many different situations including any in which fully balanced anatomic teeth can be used and in all situations when non-anatomical teeth are used in balanced or non-balanced schemes. It may be used with complete and partial dentures, overdentures, immediate dentures and transitional dentures. 

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