Monday, August 6, 2012

Type of teeth used for lingualized occlusion

Lets discuss the types of teeth we could use for lingualized occlusion for complete dentures, both in balanced or non-balanced occlusion.

Lingualized occlusion uses the maxillary lingual cusp as the dominant functional element which occludes against the corresponding portion of the mandibular tooth. The type of teeth selected for this type of occlusion can differ depending on whether you, the dental technician, is doing a balanced or a non-balanced occlusion arrangement.

Continue with the discussion....... Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. The most common teeth used for balanced occlusion would be anatomical teeth for the maxillae and monoplane teeth for the mandible. When these teeth are used, balanced occlusion can be achieved. Anatomical teeth can be used on the mandible as well but then the teeth need to be ground to achieve balanced occlusion.
    Non-anatomical teeth can be used for the maxillae and the mandible to reduce the destructive forces applied to the ridges of the patient, but this type of set-up is not often used as it is not very aesthetic.
