Saturday, February 27, 2016

Primary models - trimming

What are the dimensions for a primary model? Also make mention of the critical areas that needs special attention when trimming a primary model. Each student to post at least one comment


  1. When trimming a primary model the base should be trimmed 10mm to 15mm from the deepest part of the sulcus . the land area around the model should be trimmed 3mm from the deepest part of the sulcus at an 45° angle and the posterior border should be trimmed 5mm from the two hamular notches ,when trimming the posterior border ensure that the incisive papillar is trimmed perpendicular to the mean foundation plane . when trimming ensure that there is no damage to the anatomical area. Nabeela Cassiem

  2. from the posterior perspective measure 5 mm from each if the two hamular notches, from the deepest part of the sulcus draw a line and measure 3 mm all around the model. The thickness of the base must be between 10-15mm measured from the highest and the lowest points. After trimming accurately to the above mentioned measurements, the periphery is cut using any sharp instrument, preferably the stenly knife form the deepest part of the sulcus at an angle of 45 degrees.

  3. When trimming you first need to mark the deepest part of the sulcus and measure 3 mm from the sulcus around the land area. Posterior to the model you need to draw a line across the model from one hamular notch to the other, and then 5 mm from that line towards the end of the model. The base of the model should be measured 10-15 mm from the deepest part of the sulcus. After marking and trimming the model, it should be beveled at a 45 degree angle.

  4. The base of the model should be 10-15mm thick. The land area should be 3mm, measured from the deepest part of the sulcus and cut with a Stanley knife at a 45 degree angle. The posterior border should be trimmed 5mm from the two hamular notches. The model should be well balanced. There should be no bubbles, or damage to the anatomical area.

  5. The base thickness should be 10-15mm from the deepest part of the sulcus. Facial land area should be 3mm from the sulcus and 5mm from the hamular notches towards the posterior end of the model. The facial land area should be trimmed at a 45 degree angle.

  6. Firstly we measure 5 mm from the hamular notches.From the deepest part of the sulcus we trim all round the model at a 45 degree with taking careful consideration of not damaging the anatomical areas.The recommend size of the based is to be between 10-15 mm. T.Israel

  7. When trimming a primary model, one should note any undercuts and where trimming 3mm from the deepest part of the sulcus would actually not be sufficient. In such cases where the residual ridge protrudes over the deepest part of the sulcus, one should measure the 3mm perpendicularly from the furthest extension of the residual ridge and then bevel it 45 degrees.

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  9. The deepest part of the sulcus is marked with a pencil line. From this line 3mm is measured anteriorly, 5mm posteriorly, 5mm from the hamular notches and retromolar pads. The thickest part of the base should not be more than 15mm ant the thinnest part not less than 10mm. When trimming the primary model the model should be balanced and trimmed symmetrically. The 3 and 5mm areas are then beveled at a 45 degree angle.

  10. Trim your model so that the land area from the hamular notch to the posterior border is 5mm. Make sure that the incisive papillae is perpendicular to the mean foundation plane. Then trim the base of the model until it parallel to the mean foundation plane and is between 10 to 15 millimeters thick from the deepest part of the sulcus. Then trim the libial and buccal area so that the land area from the deepest part of the sulcus to the border of the model is 3mm and then trim it at a 45 degree angle.

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  12. Firstly we start to trim back of the model which should be 5mm from the hamular notch.Then we trim base witch should be 10-15mm and balance without mumbling.After that we trim all around the model by considering of 3mm land area from the depth of sulcus.By using Stanley knife,we can make a 45degree angle for land area.At the end,by using sand paper we make the model soft and smooth.But we should always be careful of not damaging anatomical areas.

  13. When trimming you need to mark the deepest part of the sulcus on the primary model and measure 3 mm from the sulcus around the facial area. After that you need to draw a line across the model from one hamular notch to the other. You then measure 5 mm from that line towards the end of the model which is an indication of until where you have to trim. The thickness of the base shouldn't be less than 10-15 mm from the deepest part of the sulcus. the primary model should then be bevelled at 45 degrees. You need to make sure that your model is balanced as well.
