Monday, May 27, 2013

Lingualized Occlussion as a concept

  • Lingualized Occlusion is a setup technique developed to enhance denture stability for patients with severe alveolar bone resorption resulting in little or no ridge, or resulting in a discrepancy between the size of the narrowing and receding upper ridge compared with the widening and receding lower jaw. 
  • This setup technique is also indicated for patients with implant-supported overdentures to eliminate lateral forces that can rock abutments loose over time. 
  • Lingualized occlusion is appropriate for free-end attachment cases to reduce stress on distal extension, or for intra-coronal attachments to avoid breakage. 
  • In a lingualized occlusion scheme, the objective is the elimination of buccal cusp contacts in order to alleviate lateral stresses or lateral dislodging forces. 
  • In lingualized occlusion, the lingual cusps of the upper posteriors make contact in centric relation in the central fossae of the lower posteriors. 
  • The buccal cusps are out of contact; however the lingual cusps are in contact in centric, working and balancing movements. 
  • For this reason, all the stresses created during working and balancing motions are of a downward nature, thus creating stability.

Ref: Jim Collis

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