Thursday, May 16, 2013

Please discuss all the problems a patient with a Class II jaw relationship could possibly encounter if a full maxillary and mandibular denture were set up in a Class I occlusion.

I will start off the discussion by naming one;

Exaggerated labial and buccal position of mandibular teeth would create:
  • Labial lip infringement of mandibular anteriors if set into normal Class I relationship.


  1. Class 2 has a slight overbite so if the set up is done according to class 1 there will be no lip support for maxillary teeth

  2. To compensate for the the overjet of the maxilla to the mandible, the anterior teeth of the mandible could possibly be set off the ridge labially to allow for a class I relationship. This would mean that the denture would dislodge during mastication.

  3. Well done Sam, remember however that more focus should be on the anterior teeth as this is where the biggest difference will occur as the overbit and overjet of a Class I and a Class II is different.

  4. Yes Ideon, Insufficient maxillary labial support due to compromising maxillary anterior position to reduce the labial overjet

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1. Denture tilting when incising.
    2. Possible Injury to ridges and soft tissues
    3. Phonetic problems, specificaly the "S" & "th" sounds
    4. Possible aesthetic disfiguration leading to psychological problems. Patients become aware of the denture and dont find comfort in wearing them.
    5. A possible Change in lip and cheek muscle support. if the mandibular posterior teeth are set off the ridge in an exaggerated buccal position to occlude with maxillary posterior teeth in Class I position this change may occur.
    6.Lever action and dislodgement of the mandibular denture during function.
    Continuous leverage stresses could also lead to possible fracture of the mandibular denture.
    7.Denture tilting when incising, Posterior dislodging.

  7. Problems with Class 2

    1. Possible injury to ridges and soft tissues

    2. Denture tilting when incising, Posterior dislodging.

    3. Denture tilting when incising.

    4. Phonetic problems, specifically the "S" & "Th" sounds

    5.Lever action and dislodgement of the mandibular denture during function.
    Continuous leverage stresses could also lead to possible fracture of the mandibular denture.

    6. A possible Change in lip and cheek muscle support. if the mandibular posterior teeth are set off the ridge in an exaggerated buccal position to occlude with maxillary posterior teeth in Class I position this change may occur.

    7. Possible aesthetic disfiguration leading to psychological problems. Patients become aware of the denture and do not find comfort in wearing them.
