Saturday, August 10, 2013

Lab Week - Experience

All of you have or are about to experience working in a commercial Dental Laboratory. The week was introduced to allow you, the student, to experience actual cases and actual laboratory experience and input from other qualified dental technicians as to how you can improve on your speed and quality.

I would like to know what your experiences were (2nd yrs) and are (3rd yrs) for Lab week.

What could be improved on for 2014 when you are in 3rd yr and 4th yr repectively. 3rd yrs please complete this after you have completed your Lab week.


  1. maybe stent that not just a complete denture but a few odd teeth here and there

    1. Juan your comment makes not sense???

    2. sorry mam was commenting what could be added for class. retard me :)

  2. the lab week was a great experience, it gave me an opportunity to do some of my class work in a laboratory environment yet still juggling other work. As a result i was more focused, and could complete the work designated for me. the week in the lab allowed me to get advice on how the to approach work in a different manner except for the manner i was taught at tech, it allowed me to improve on my speed, wax-ups and exposed me to various new aspects of the field.

  3. I think for future we shouldn't be allowed to take class work to the lab. most of us, me included laid of during the block, cause we knew lab week we can do it still. which is shit of us. I think mam should desinate two or three cases aside specifically for the lab week. So everyone take the same case to the lab and then we set the teeth to the way they do. like if there anterior should have a open overbite, overjet or what ever the case maybe. Then the presentation can be on how the lab do a setup and why they do it that way. Presentation on that 3 cases for instance.

    Besides that, lab week was cool. I love my lab. lol. Didn't see any full/full there besides my class work, but all different types of stents, implant supported dentures, hybrids. Shit way cooler than denture, but that could still be classified as plastics. hehe.

    Peace for arranging this week. I think it should be beneficial to everyone. Just think that taking a bunch of your own work, might have the technician just leaving you to complete your own work instead of supervising you and guiding you because you are working on his cases. Plus the technicians own pride and tendencies to impress us will not be so strong when you busy with your own shit. So you might loose out on some tips and trick in the end.
    Hope this makes more sense

  4. Personaly the lab week were a pretty good experience as I were introduced to other ways or techniques on how to complete set-ups.This also allowed my to improve my skills/ability on doing set-ups and wax-ups faster.What I also learned is that time management plays an huge role in a lab,because allthought I had my work to do their were other jobs put infront of me as well,so I needed to manage my time well to complete my work and those given to me, because the work in the lab are requested by dentist in a day or two (certain time period put to it),allthough I completed all my work. But the experience were awesome nd were taugh to be more efficient with my time.
