Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Reflective comment on Advanced Dentures block

Please provide a reflective comment on the Advanced denture block which we just completed.
Please comment on the following:

  1. Workload
  2. Portfolio
  3. Lab week
  4. Presentations
  5. Feedback provided by me during the block
  6. What could be done better, in future by you, to improve your chances of success?
  7. What could I do better to improve your chances of success?


  1. Personally the workload for me was just of the right amount; by saying this is that it tested us as students. Time managing played the most important part in this block. If one did just manage your time right, the work in the lab wouldn’t have been a problem. So in the future I would be more time efficient and completing work on the due date not to leave everything for last and thinking it can be done in time.

    The portfolio kept me up for nights, hope it pays off lol. It was a good experience and as it was something new to us, it made us spend more time to it, was a challenge.

    Already commented on the lab week expierence, but I think in the future this could be use more often.

  2. workload: reasonable. it could have been executed in the time frame allocated to us.
    portfolio: dont like portfolio, prefere assignments
    labweek: was useful, learned alot and gained more experience which i needed. would have loved 2 weeks.
    presentations: yet to cum
    feedback: useful, precise, would have loved my feedback to be printed out so that i could refer to it everytime i start a new case and check which aspects i need to improve upon.
    6:come to class more often. note my mistakes everyday and not repeat them by using the checklists provided.
    7:see no. 5

  3. I think the workload was reasonable, and we had ample time for the amount of time allocated. The only problem I found was being disciplined enough to work fast enough and not fuss about with my work. from a personal point of view, i enjoyed the portfolio compilation, although it was a lot of work. well its what varsity is suppose to be like. Along with my lab week, i included the different aspects of what i had learnt during my in-service training as well as the lab week.How different labs go about doing things differently, and how there are various ways and methods in executing work in a shorter and much more efficient period of time. The experience forced me to get out of my comfort zone and also played a great role in improving the speed at which i work.

    With regard to the presentations, i enjoyed it, although everyone had the same instruction, it was executed in different ways. Everyone's different perspectives made it interesting. I enjoyed it and think we did a great job, i am proud of what we produced. With regards to the feedback, i really appreciate it, it allowed me to see what i did from a critical point of view, and not just a means of getting work done. it kept me busy, alert and at times exhausted lol.

    One thing i could have improved on, was being consistent. If i had been consistent from the beginning, i would have had less pressure on myself with regard to my practical work and my portfolio files. i think these are also aspects i will keep into account in achieving my goal of reaching the height of my potential in dental technology.

  4. Well the block was a good way of improving on speed, quality, and quantity of the produced work. i think i tried my best under the circumstances of not having enough money for materials but managed to produce work that saw me passing the block at the end. Balance occlusion is now mastered and thanks to Ms D for making it much ore easier for everyone to obtain a good result at the end.
