Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Expectations for the Advanced Orthodontics block

Please post your expectations for this block regarding Orthodontics.


  1. post your comments by Friday 20 Sept 2013

  2. fabrication of functional appliances for malocclusion rectifications

    1. We will mainly be looking at the principles of Functional appliances. You will also be instructed on how to fabricate them.

  3. I expect to pass well... so make it happen!

  4. A clearer understanding on the apllication of orthodontic aplliances.

  5. expect to gain better knowledge and insight of each appliance.Understand the use and purpose of each appliance!

  6. i expect to have a best understanding on fix-removable orthodontics and learn easy ways of wire bending..

    1. We will not really be dealing with fixed orthodontics as this is the dentist/orthodntists domain, but we will compare the effectiveness of a removable appliance to fixed.

  7. My expectations are to gain better understanding on the application of different orthodontic appliances and also to improve on my practical skills.

    1. Hopefully we can work on this in the short time available to us and to improve any practical skill takes time and hard work ..... an practice of course

  8. I hope to improve my wire bending and understand what to bend for what type of case. Also get a good mark because Mrs D's block is always very hard and need to study a lot.

    Enjoy it is the most important thing.

    1. This is a very important aspect to want to focus on because the skill is not just in whether you can bend the wire well but also whether the componet that is bent is the most effective for that case. THis is a good challenge Mauritz

  9. I know that we are suppose to come up with our own insight and ideas of orthodontic appliances to be manufactured on the different models we are supplied with, but I would like to learn a broader mind regarding the type of movement that can be achieved and the best component to be used. I would like to learn the shortcuts or the simple ways of moving teeth as complicated appliances can be difficult to operate and difficult to make. I am sure simple designs will do the same job just as effective and I would like to learn more about it. As we are moulded into technicians that will survive in the outside world, we need to know how to handle the world. Being said that time is money and material is money as well, simple and effective components need to be manufactured in a short period of time, thus knowing the shortcuts. Knowing the shortcuts, I will also like to know how to handle more advance cases and not over complicate a design and appliance.

    I would like to enjoy the last few days with my colleagues!
