Friday, September 20, 2013

Adams cribs

Please comment on the Adams crib


  1. in my opinion I would be better to have the bridge of the Adams parallel to the tooth it is made on. it should also not be that far from the tooth

  2. At the lingual part of the tooth the wire must not make contact (hug the tooth) because if dentist want to relive that area he or she will not touch the wire if there is acrylic the dentist can relive it easy.
    And the bridge is to long in my opinion.

  3. i believe that the crib should have retention tags or a zig-zag tag to retain the crib within the acrylic. the height of the bridge should be midway of the crown or slightly lower to avoid interferance with the bite and irritation.

  4. The bridge also looks too buccally situated in my opinion

  5. The arrow heads aren't both at a 45 degree angle in relation to the bridge, therefore the full amount of retention won't be achieved, as intended with the initial design.

  6. the arrowheads of this adam's clasp makes a contact point rather then a surface contact, that can cause the tooth to wear at that point overtime.

  7. I agree that the bridge of the adam's crib is way too far from the facial surface of the tooth and this would be the effect of its height being low. i would also have to agree with ashlan as the effect of not having the arrow head at a 45 degree angle in relation to the bridge

  8. To add to the points added, yes the bridge should be straight without bends or curves and should be clear of the tooth and gum but in this case it seems too far. Tags seem to fit closely across the contact points and are brought into the interdental embrassure and seem to avoid the bit of the opposing teeth. Tag ends seem to close to the palate and not leaving space between the tag and the plaster cast therefore the tags will not be embedded securely into the baseplate.

  9. the bridge is to bucaly and it will be pailful for the patient and bridge should be parallel to the tooth which will make it easier to solder a labial bow on to the bridge

  10. the bridge is to bucaly and it will be pailful for the patient and bridge should be parallel to the tooth which will make it easier to solder a labial bow on to the bridge

  11. The mesial loop is not at a 45 degree that could implicate the amount of retention. If it is at a 45 degree such as the distal loop, the adjustments that are to be made by the dentist will be made easier and more effective. The wire extensions from the loops follow interproximally of the two teeth: this is important as the wires should not interfere in the bite as the patient can wear the wire causing failure or distort the shape, depending on how much the wire is in the bite. The literature state that the bridge should be at a 45 degree to the tooth it is clasping, but in a case like the one presented, the extension of the bridge is too severe and it will irritate the patient.

    The rest of the Adam's crib looks good from what is visible from the images provided. The retention tags is also bent in such a way that it will not interfere with the post dam of the acrylic if a post dam is placed. Well done.

  12. The bridge is leaning too far bucall and will definitely cause irritation to the patient. Ideally the bridge should be in line with the tooth.

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