Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Discuss the appropriate components you would place on this case and why?


  1. Adams cribs on the 1.6 and 2.6 for retention.
    Labial bow soldered.
    Z-spring on the 1.1 to move the mesial part of tooth in line with the other tooth to form an arch.
    T-spring on the 2.5 to bring it into line with the other teeth.

  2. Adams cribs on the 1.6 and 2.6
    Labial bow soldered to Adams cribs
    Z-spring on 1.1 to move the distal side of tooth slightly anterior inline with the 1.2
    relieve plat on mesial side of 2.1 to allow labial-bow to rotate mesial-ridge inline with the 1.1 and closing the diastema between the 2.1and 2.2
    T-spring on the 2.5 for moving it buccaly

  3. Labial bow to get the ideal arch. Two finger springs posterior of the anterior teeth to get the ideal arch. Adam's cribs on the 6's for retention. Finger springs on the 4's and 5's to close the space of the canine.

  4. For this case i would make used of two appliances, 1st appliance will correct the anterior section by placing the finger spring on 2.2 and maintain the space for the erupting canines. z-spring would be placed on 1.1 to push it forwards

    2nd appliance would de-rotated 1.4 by place a butten on the lingual surface premolar and hook in the palate, this will be achieved by pulling the 1.4 with a elastic band and the 2,5 will be moved more buccally with a T-spring
