Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Case 3 - Discuss your suggested treatment


  1. Canine retractor 4.3
    Wire molar rests on 3.6 and 4.6 (to hinder apical displacement)
    Adams cribs on 3.6 and 4.6
    Labial bow
    unilateral expansion screw to move only the 4th quadrant labially and solve crowding of the teeth in this quadrant.

  2. Cheryl I don't think that a canine retractor will work because that tooth is to little exposed. maybe it still need to erupt, correct me if its wrong please.
    But else I will agree with Cheryl, and with my opinion it is difficult to discuss what to use because we have not a lot of experience with lower models.

  3. I will make use of adam's cribs ob the 6's to retain the appliance. Make use of an expansion screw to apply a force on selected teeth. This will be done by relieving the acrylic on the teeth that are not to be moved. Thus applying pressure on the 4.5 to get it in line. A second appliance can follow to deal with the erupting canine.

  4. i would use labial bow to maintain the arch and place single cantilever spring on the 4.2 to keep it from moving distally and allowing eruption of 4.3.I would also place z-spring on 4.1 and 3.3 to move these teeth forward and place ball clasp between the 3.4, 3.5 and 4.4 and 45 for retention
