Friday, June 28, 2013

Comment on improvements that can be made

Post your peer review


  1. Posteriors on patients right on the mandible need to be placed on the ridge. The necks of posteriors on both the upper and lower arches need to be pushed in. Curve of spee needs to be made more visible

  2. The occlusion of the posterior teeth occlude optimally however, the canines are to be raised higher to achieve a balanced occlusion. The reason for raising the heights of the canines is to eleviate any disturbances during lateral excursions.

    The maxillary right posterior teeth can be shifted more buccally in order to instill stability and support of the denture. This can be done by placing the teeth on the residual ridge to prevent the denture from dislodging during functional movements such as anterior-posterior and lateral excursions of the mandibular jaw.

    Aestically the wax up of the try-in can be improved as the necks of the anterior teeth are exposed, this will cause a weaker bond between the acrylic of the denture and the acrylic teeth. The festooning can be minimized to avoid food traps within the processed denture. The festooning can be minimized to make the denture look more natural in the fabricated stage.

  3. i would only pull the neck out of the 23 and cover the necks of the central incisors of the maxilla slightly more. the angel of the neck of th 17 need to be ajusted. (pulled out/pull down)

  4. The wax-up on on the maxillary denture is not aesthetically pleasing. If one looks at both the 11 and 21, the necks are too open and need more wax to cover them up. For the anterior teeth, in terms of facial surface visibility, the canine is the most prominent following with the centrals and then the laterals. In this case they all look the same. Both the necks of the 13 and 23 can by made more prominent by bringing them out more buccally, thus giving them a more prominent apearance.

  5. Due to the angle at which pic 2 was taken it is difficult to judge, but it looks like teeth 4.6 and 4.7 should be moved facially while teeth 3.4 and 3.5 should be moved lingually to ensure that these teeth are properly on the ridge. This will ultimately require ALL mandiblar teeth to be moved/re-angled to re-establish proper arch form. All maxillary teeth will then also have to be adjusted. Therefore, I would recommend a complete re-do of the set-up

  6. Curve of spee can be made more visible and so this will give better occlusion,allthought the occlusion of posteriors seems correct.
    The 2.5,2nd pre-molar can be lowered slightly.
    The roots effect to me is too lumpy or wabbly,seems like bridges,can be made more natural.
    Anteriors on lower can be set too follow arch form especialy from 4.2 till 3.3. Neck's of lower anteriors can be pulled out as well, lays so inward. Canine 4.3 neck can be pushed in slightly.
    Like the carving though neck's of centrals nd canines look to same high.

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  8. this is really nice to read..informative post is very good to read..thanks a lot! Dental Implants Kettering
