Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Comment on pics

Comment on the occlusal plain and how you would recommend it be fixed


  1. Make it a bit more crooked or no comment

  2. tilt the long axis of 11 to distal, or just redo the complete setup crooked

  3. the angles of the teeth are not set accordingly, the set up was not done on the occlusal table as a result the incisal edges are not following in a straight but "imaginary line". if that can be done i see a great change in the set-up.

  4. 2.2 higher than 1.2. Curve of spee not visible on patient's right. Long axis of 1.1 incorrect. Occlusal table needed to reset the whole maxillary set up.

  5. I agree with everyone's comment and think that both canine teeth necks could be pushed in more.

  6. the long axis of the 11 is slightly tilted, the 22 looks higher than thant the 12. the necks of the canines needs ajustment. and the posterior teeth might be hanging. one must use a occlusal table to correct the occlusal plane correctly

  7. the 11 is hanging lower than the 21, thus causing the incisal plane to have an uneven appearance, the long axis of the 11 can be moved distally to create the same appearance of position than that of the 21. also the neck of the 13 is to prominent.

  8. 1.1 lower than 2.1
    Lateral 2.2 neck can be open more(carving).
    Canine 1.3 neck of tooth to prominant and can be pushed in slightly.
