Thursday, June 20, 2013

Your expectations for this block

Each student is required to post their expectations for the block


  1. When I am done with this block, I am hoping that it would be 15 less removable prosthesis I have to process in my lifetime.

    Hoping that "we" would take the place of the second years as being the coolest class you had yet!!

    Mostly that balanced occlusion would become my bitch and not be a bitch

  2. Sorry Juan just need to say something about your comment....
    We (2nd years) don't hope or try to be the "coolest" class.....We know we ARE the coolest class. ;)

    Enjoy the block though!


  3. ja ja, net omdat helfte van my klas agter gebly het laas jaar :)

  4. Advanced dentures is just more hard work than the rest of the blocks. Balanced occlusion of an edentulous case will help you to do a full mouth rehab better for a cr&br case.

  5. my expectations of this block, is to improve my denture work, in terms of quality and speed and get the highest possible mark that I can. I aim on working at increasing my speed while maintaining quality work, so that I am well prepared for the summative exam.

  6. i think this block i need to work on my speed more and obviously work more precisely on balanced occlusion, i think it is the most demanding case for the block.

  7. I just want to improve like kyle, with speeds most definitely and pass all my work with a good suitable mark that I deserve. And I want to master the balanced occlusion of course. What I really want is to be like mauritz and not struggle every single time with a set up. I want to get it right the first time! And try to improve my wax up.

    1. Jana I think it is dangerous to compare yourself to someone else, but good to want to be able to achieve that level of competance.

  8. I agree as well, and also to have a understanding\ more in-depth overview of advanced dentures. I have a feeling it will be a good block if i apply my ultimate potential in my work.

  9. My expectation for this block is not to just improve my speed but to also improve the quality of my work and broaden my knowledge and understanding of removable prosthodontics. In this field we will come across many challenges and with a greater understanding of our work we will be able to apply the knowledge not just in our class work but in the working world.

    1. I think this is a good and fair expectation. I will do my best to get you there.We can work on this
