Thursday, June 20, 2013

Surgical stents and its importance

What is a surgical stent? In which circumstances are stents required? Why is it important to use one for edentulous cases? All 2013 third year students are required to comment.


  1. A surgical stent serves as a guide for the dentist when drilling implants and doing bone grafts.

    These are used to avoid the irritation of ill placed implants!!!! if it can be avoided off course. And to ensure the implant is correctly angled to the ridge.

    The edentulous area is waxed up to the full contour of the missing teeth or denture teeth can be used. A lever arm or rests on the adjacent teeth is completed in wax to give the dentist a handle to work with and to stabilize the stent while the dentist work. Where implant is required (specified by dentist) a hole is drilled in the center of the tooth to the height of the ridge (don't know how to explain this better). Slots can also be used on the buccal surface of the teeth in the place of the holes.

  2. That is correct Juan. Good explanation. Is there anyone else that would like to comment

  3. A surgical stent is made of clear acrylic and it is basically a replica of a denture. A stent is used a guide of reference when drilling holes for implant placement on the edentulous residual ridge. In the case of an edentulous patient, a good example would be the Hybrid denture.

    The use of the stent is important in order for the placement angle of the implants to be functional, if the angles of the implants into the bone is not accurate or there is minimal bone or discrepancies, the implants will fail, and cause trauma to the alveolar bone or the denture by breaking or cracking.

  4. An online dictionary defines a surgical stent as follow: ‘’ a mold formed from a resinous compound and used for holding a surgical graft in place;”. juan and rachel explained it pretty good. Here is a link to an article that explains a stent and it importance.

    The article mention two types of stents, one with individual holes on the lingual surface and one with a groove on the lingual surface of the stent denture material.

  5. According to textbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery, a surgical stents/ templates are used to add in placement of implants in an acceptable position. The stent should be contracted using the diagnostic set up or the provisional prosthesis. The stent helps establish the misio-distal, buccolingual positions and the angulation of the inplant. So the stent is an important part of the surgery.
    According the textbook of prosthodontics, a surgical stent is called a guiding prosthesis, which is a good descriptive name. The guiding prosthesis helps to orient and position the implants. The stent is made with the follow requirements:
    • It should provide an adequate overview of the surgical site, so using clear agrylic is important. The holes should also be place correctly and the correct size bur should be used.
    • It should provide enough space for the reflected mucoperiosteal flap.

  6. The comments above define and explain stents accurately. It is however important that all holes drilled be parallel. One textbook also indicates the a vacuum adapted thermoplastic sheet to be an acceptable alternative to the clear pocessed duplicate denture commonly used as a stent.
