Monday, October 8, 2012

Cheryl Wolfe Theory 2

The objectives of Functional Therapy (treatment):

In order for normal development of the dental arches in the correct relationship to occur, favourable equilibrium of muscle forces between the tongue, lip and cheeks are essential. Malocclusion is therefore a result of persistant deviation from normal function. The purpose of functional therapy is therefore to change the functional environment of the dentition to promote normal function. The purpose of a functional appliance is to control the forces applied to the dentition by the surrounding soft tissues as well as the muscles that control the position and movement of the mandible. A new functional behaviour pattern is therefore established in order to support a new position of equilibrium by eliminating unfavourable environmental factors in a developing malocclusion. Functional thereapy also aims to unlock a malocclusion and stimulate growth by applying favourable forces that enhance skeletal development.

Clark, W.J. 1995. Twin Block Functional Therapy: Applications in Dentofacial Orthopaedics. London: Mosby-Wolfe. p31-32

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cheryl, Just to add to your information;
    In the natural dentition a functional equilibrium is established under neurological control in response to repetitive tactile stimuli as the teeth come into occlusion. A favourable equilibrium of muscle forces between the tongue, lips and cheeks is essential for normal development of the dental arches in correct relationship.

    The natural occlusal forces acting on a mandible in distal occlusion do not favour mandibular development to the patient’s full potential of growth. The mandible is locked in a distal position by an unfavourable or distal driving occlusion.

    Growth studies on experimental animals support the view that altered occlusal function produces significant changes in craniofacial growth.

    This would complete the informstion
