Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Damien Storey - Materials

Components Of Removable Applaince
1.  Active Components (Anchorage)
– Uni-dimensional screws
– Bi-dimensional screws

Wire springs
– Finger spring
– Z-spring
– Canine retractor
– Short labial arch.
– Expansion is 1 mm. per one full turn i.e. 0.25 mm. per quarter turn
– May be used for moving one tooth or group of teeth (usually more
than one tooth to be moved with a screw)
– Have different sizes and range of activation
– Useful only when a few millimeters of space is needed
– Usually jackscrews been used as active component
– Clasps for retention
Expansion screws
– For anterior Expn. of Max. incisors
– For simultaneous Expn. of maxillary
incisors anteriorly and posteriors laterally
– Y-plate can be modified for Tx. Of
unilateral x-bite
– Maxillary split plate (By post. teeth tipping
not by opening mid-palatal suture).
Active plate
• The simplest uses of an active plate is to correct a maxillary anterior crossbite.
• Posterior biteplane is necessary in adult to allow clearance for the upper incisor to move out of crossbite (½ crown or more is covered).
Active plate split in midline will expand constricted maxillary arch almost totally by tipping the posterior teeth buccally Not by opening mid-palatal suture. Therefore this appliance is not indicated for skeletal crossbites or dental expansion for more than 2 mm per side.

1. Springs
– Provide extra length of wire to increase range of action and resiliency
– Extra length can be provided in the form of coil (s), loop (s) or change configuration to provide extra length
of the wire
2.   Retentive Components
– Adam’s clasp
– C-clasp (Circumferential clasp)
– Lingual extension clasp
– Ball clasp

3.  Acrylic Base Plate
It is used as a vehicle to carry all
Removable Appliance components together.
• It is the Anchor tool for tooth movement.
• Use self-curing acrylic resin.


  1. Well done.

    Active components applies force to the tooth which is to be moved
    Reactive components anchors the appliance to teeth which are not to be moved
    Reactive components should not deform where as active components should meet certain requirements.

    What do you think they are?

  2. This is also a MATERIALS topic

  3. Active components applies force to a tooth which is to be moved.
    Flexibility is required which will be able to apply a lower and more constant force over a greater distance. High resilience is required in order for the wire to be able to store and release elastic energy

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