Monday, October 8, 2012

Sindile Gcelu, Theory I

Balters, who developed the Bionator appliance, claimed that malocclusion was caused by a lack of correct co-ordination of the various muscle functions. Explain his claims that a Class II malocclusion treated with a Bionator appliance will normalise functions and lead to harmony of anatomic relations.
According to Balters’ philosophy, Class II malocclusions are a consequence of a backward position of the tongue, disturbing the cervical region. The respiratory function is impeded in the region of the larynx and there is thus a faulty deglutition. Alongside, there is mouth breathing.
Effectiveness of Bionator appliance:
• To accomplish lip closure and bring the back of the tongue into contact with the soft palate.
• To enlarge the oral space and to train its function.
• To bring the incisors into an edge-to-edge incision or relationship.
• To achieve an elongation of the mandible, which in turn will enlarge the oral space and make the improved tongue position possible?
• An improved relationship of the jaws, tongue, and dentition, as well as the surrounding soft tissue will result.

1 comment:

  1. All of the above will improve the muscular co ordination and metabolism of the whole area in various ways. Balters feels that this frees the orofacial muscles of tension in the postural resting position and avoids the uncoordinated muscle activity, which leads to deformation. According to Balter’s philosophy, Class II malocclusions are a consequence of a backward position of the tongue, disturbing the cervical region. The respiratory function is impeded in the region of the larynx and there is thus a faulty deglution. Concomitantly, there is a mouth breathing.
    By the same analysis, Balters reasons that Class III conditions are due to a more forward position of the tongue and to cervical over development.
