Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mouton, Theory 2

There are three types of Bionators, which are used to correct various malocclusion's

2.1. The Reverse Bionator:

The Reverse Bionator is used to treat the problem when the lower jaw is too big or the upper jaw is too small, possibly meaning that the lower front teeth are positioned in front of the upper front teeth. The Bionator try to adjust these growth patterns holding the lower jaw back while trying to accelerate the growth of the upper jaw. Again this appliance uses the bodies internal forces to redirect forces thus adjust growth.

2.2. The Open Bite Bionator:

When the upper front teeth and the lower front teeth do not meet as they should this is called the front open bite. Possible caused by the tongue coming between the teeth too often or perhaps a habit like biting on something, perhaps some sort of a comforter or pencil, it might also be caused by growth patterns meaning the upper jaw and lower jaw are growing at angles meaning the teeth are correct in the jaws but the jaw bones are too far apart. The Bionator attempts to adjust the position of the tongue, trying to hold the tongue away from between the front teeth. This has the effect of causing an area of "low pressure" in the front of the mouth the attempt at equilibrium often and hopefully has the effect of closing the bite.

1 comment:

  1. Removable Orthodontic Appliances, Grader T.M. Pg 359
    Please see info in this reference. You had to include your reference
