Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Orthodontic springs

Name all the orthodontic springs we as dental technicians can utilise to initiate tooth movement


  1. Cheryl Wolfe, Damien Storey, Ruan Louw & Rwyda Dawids

    Palatal Springs:
    Single cantilever spring (finger spring)
    Double cantilever spring ("Z" spring)
    "T" spring
    Coffin spring

    Buccal Springs:
    Buccal canine retractor
    Supported buccal retractor
    Reverse loop buccal retractor
    Soldered auxilary spring

    Isaacson, K.G., Muir, J.D. & Reed, R.T. Removable Orthodontic Appliances. Oxford: Wright. p19-23

  2. Now indicate the reasons for using these springs.
    e.g. Double cantilever spring: is used to vary the direction of movement and where space for springs are confirmed. 0.5mm wire is usually utilised for this type of spring.

    Now do Canine retractors, Coffin springs and Cantilever springs

  3. Palatal Springs:
    Single cantilever spring (finger spring)
    Double cantilever spring (Z spring)
    T spring
    Coffin spring

    Buccal Springs:
    Buccal canine retractor
    Supported buccal retractor
    Reverse loop buccal retractor
    Soldered auxilary spring

    Isaacson, K.G., Muir, J.D. & Reed, R.T. Removable Orthodontic Appliances. Oxford: Wright. p19-23

  4. Canine Retractor:
    Use: Used where a bucally placed canine has to be moved palatally as well as distally.
    0.7mm wire is used to provide stability. Also less flexible than a palatal spring.

    Coffin Spring:
    Use: Used for transverse arch expansion, e.g. to treat a unilateral crossbite with lateral mandibular displacement.
    A thick gauge wire of 1.25mm is used.

    Cantilever Spring (Singel/Finger spring):
    Use: Used to move teeth labially or in the line of the arch.
    Construced from 0.5mm wire

  5. Canine Retractor: coils are used to close rather than open and coils lies in labial sulcus
    yes 0.7 or 0.6 mm wire can be used with tubing with these internal diameter

    Coffin Spring: used for expanding or contracting the upper or lower arches in a lateral direction. Your have the wire gauge correct.

    Cantilever Spring: coils of this spring opens rather than closes and the arm of this spring acts as a lever.
