Monday, October 8, 2012

Pongolo Theory

Name three types of Bionator designs which are used to correct various malocclusions or oral conditions, and clearly explain the correction for which each type of appliance is used.
The three bionator designs are the basic bionator with a basic wire, a tongue screening bionator with palatal wire and a class III bionator in contract to the two previous types mentioned. The basic bionator is employed in Class I and Class II division cases. The tongue screening bionator is used in cases where there is an open bite or tongue dysfunctions are present. The Bionator Class III appliance is used for correcting Class III malocclusions. It can be used to modify or distract the mandible as well as open the bite, close the bite, or hold the vertical dimension constant.

1 comment:

  1. You are supposed to discuss the types of Bionators.
    Standard Appliance
    Open Bite” (screening) Appliance
    Reverse appliance for Class III

    Continue the discussion
