Monday, October 8, 2012

M.K Mouton Theory 1

Give a general explanation of the construction bite in the treatment of Class II malocclusion with an Activator appliance?

In the first phase of the activator construction, after the common clinical procedure, the construction bite in a eugnathic relationship is taken, with the mandible forced forward until the upper canine between the lower canine and the first lower premolar relationship is achieved. The construction bite is taken with the mandible protruded 4-6 mm and interocclusal space of 2
3 mm above physiological rest in the molar region. During the procedure of construction bite taking, great care should be exercised regarding the middles of the jaws. After this, the trial of the wax activator follows to check the relationship between the jaws and possible corrections

The activator appliance consistes of an acrylic intermaxillary block with upper labial arch (0.8 mm) which passively touches the incisal third of the upper incisors. The acrylic is then extended to cover the incisal third of the mandibular incisors in order to prevent the labial tipping of these teeth. The acrylic then extends to the lower lingual sulcus to provide stability and anchorage. At control visits, the acrylic will be trimmed behind the upper front teeth, which is in concordance with treatment of protruded incisors in the sense of their retrusion and overjet reduction. The interocclusal acrylic in the molar and premolar region is not trimmed until the improvement of the sagittal jaw relationship is achieved, in cases with associated deep bite. In the last phase, the acrylic is trimmed selectively according to the occlusal needs of the lateral teeth. Patients are advised to wear the appliance 15 hours a day.

1 comment:

  1. Please check through this reference for more information.
    Removable Orthodontic Appliances, Gaber & Neumann, pg. 291 - 292
