Monday, October 8, 2012

Sipho Pongolo Theory 1

Wolff’s law of the transformation of bone “forms the basis of functional correction of the Twin block technique.
The internal and external structure of bone is continuously modified throughout life by the process of bony remodeling. The sensory feedback mechanism helps the bony remodeling process to address the changing requirements of function in dentofacial development. Occlusal forces transmitted by the muscles of mastication through the teeth to the underlying bone provide a proprioceptive stimulus to influence the external form and internal trabecular structure of the supporting bone.Unlike the other connective tissue, bone responds to mild degrees of pressure and tension by changes of this nature. These changes are achieved by means of resorption of existing bone and deposition of new bone. This may take place on the surface of the bone, under the periosteum or, in the case of cancellous bone, on the surfaces of the trabeculae. In this respect, bone is more plastic and adaptive than any other connective tissue. The internal and external structure of bone is modified my functional requirements to enable it to withstand the physical demands made upon it with the greatest degree of economy of structure. The principle is exemplified in Wollf’s law of transformation of bone. The architecture of a bone is such thatit can best resist the forces that are brought to bear upon it with the use of as little tissue as possible.

1 comment:

  1. This should be combined with the information referring to Wolfe's Law; the other post made regarding the mechanism of bone remodeling.

    Then it is complete.

    Well done
