Thursday, April 18, 2013

Example of a wax up

This is the Full Maxillary try in we did as well as the wax up. There are many different ways to do it.


  1. Very nice ma'm. I like the festooning....

  2. Love the easy but effective way you showed us. The stippling that you showed us really made a difference when I pumiced and polished my denture. I used to polish my effects away but this way the stippling and festooning is still visible after the final polish.

  3. ma'm your way is very effective and saves time.. but acquiring the festoon to follow the long axis of the tooth is a bit harder and also it doesn't allow for much of a gingival role.

  4. nice wax up, I like the way you showed me to invest the wax up so stippling comes out better makes my work looks much better
