Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Portfolio 2013 - 2nd yr

Hi guys, how do you guys feel about this type of work as an assignment or insead of an assignment.


  1. Hey mrs D, portfolio work is a lot better than assignments, plus, keeps it interesting :D

  2. Much better than assignments, just keeps forgetting to take photos....

  3. Ma'm I think you should keep the portfolio in your blocks instead of assignment.

    This is alot more fun and plus it keeps you wanting to remember all the steps of the process of each case that we are busy with also makes you pause and think of the mistakes that u make and the diffrent ways to fix them.

    At the end the important part for us is the prac work than the assignments and this helps alot more to learn more practical.

    I really enjoy it. :)

  4. there is a give and take to this, as the portfolio becomes incorporated into the prac work. in my opinion, the portfolio would be a bit harder than doing an assignment as photos need to be taken, notes need to be written down and research still has to be done as to the cases we are doing. so yes it is harder, however, the fact that we have to note and recognize our mistakes in turn helps to do better with prac and knowledge of what we doing together
