Friday, April 12, 2013

The week that was - Advanced Dentures

I would like you to reflect back on this week and did it scare the crap out of you as you 'expected' or was it not like you have heard from other people. Please express your experiences of this week.


  1. Yes it was a diffrent week specially after working few months with Mr.Mazeema and get used to his method.... ;)
    I worked harrrrrd this week. every day to me was like an exam day interms of time management and getting the work done as much as possible.

    What didn't satisfied me about this week was that I couldn't reach the goal and never finished my work on Friday. :( I think it takes abit of time to get use to work fast.

    I have to say as much as im tired right now and I had a very stressful week but I really enjoyed every second of my work and didnt mind the hectic and heavy part of the week.

    Thank you!

  2. This week was definitely something different as we are not yet use to the pace at which ma'am expects us to work. We were warned about this block but i never took it to the head until this week. I now know that what my peers mentioned back then wasn't intended to scare us, it was just ultimately the truth. This week was the first time ever i stayed everyday till pass 4, and it was the first time i have ever left campus when the lab actually closes. This week made me feel worse than that skeleton actually.

  3. The picture says it all mam!! It was a tough week, and I dont think I'Ve worked so hard in one week while doing this course. To help me work faster i imagined everyday like na exam, I just put my head down and worked. I did my best, and im really hoping to improve my speed by the end of the block. I think this week gave us a taste of real lab life, and as much of a shock as it was, we'll eventually get used to it. We have to! As stressful as this past week was, it was also invigorating to learn the new work while working at a pace that makes speedy gonzales look like slow.

  4. Loved the pace at which i was required to work.. also enjoyed that i at every second had something to do and was continuously busy. Intense week it was.. but good eye opener.

  5. was a intense week but I enjoyed it, there was a lot of work that needed to be done but every day was something new with new challenges. I like to improve on my speed an quality of my work by the end of this block, but so far so good, the over all experience was good and I am still excited to be in lab and learn more about advanced dentures
