Thursday, April 18, 2013

Case 2 - F/F Try in

Each student shoud post a comment as to their thoughts regarding correctiins that could be made. You will be evaluated on your reviews.


  1. the mandibular anterior teeth are not set to the midline. the occlusion must be checked and the overjet is too much. The mandibular anterior teeth should be moved to the right so that the midline could be between the two central incisors. The maxillary posterior teeth should be moved back and the mandibular posterior teeth should be lifted.

  2. The most noticeable fault is the midlines of the two arches are not aligned. Judging by the midline marking on the lower model, the lower anterior teeth should be shifted to the patients left until the midline is aligned with the upper anteriors.

  3. the first thing i noticed was that the midlines do not correspond with one another. The mandibular teeth arent set according to the midline markings created by this student.

  4. The maxillary premolars are not occluding like they are meant to. To fix this i would change the long axes inclination,tilt the teeth mesialy and then twist the teeth anticlockwise to allow full intercuspation.

  5. The mandibular posteriors are not on the ridge. they seem to be running off the ridge towards the lingual. midline wrong. mandibular anteriors falling lingually. Maxillary canines should close gap.

  6. the midlines of the 2 arches does not correct and the gap between anterior and mandibular posterior can be closed

  7. 1. Necks need to be pushed in.
    2. teeth need to be aligned harmoniously

  8. the mid-line shifted, the mandibular central incisors shifted to the left. the occlusion on the premolars is not in the correct position.

  9. mandibular posterior teeth not set on the ridge, the midline of the central incisor do not correspond with each other and occlusion needs to be worked on, seems like no contact with pre-molars

  10. Mandibular teeth not on the ridge. midlines do not correspond. necks are to out, has to be pushed in. 1.3 can be angled better so that its positioned between the 4.3 and 4.4.

  11. The midline is off.
    The maxillary premolar should be angled to have a better occlusion.

  12. ~ Midline is out
    ~ goid show of shape of teeth
    ~ improve on occlussion on pts right
    ~ necks of maxillary anterior teeth could be pushed in more
    ~ when waxing up remember tgat the line that the necks follow should flow towards tge posterior teeth
    ~ maxillary anterior teeth could be set slightly further posterior as it causing the mandibular anterior teeth to be set too far forward in the labial sulcus
    ~ mandibular teeth on pts left not on the ridge
    ~ mandibular anteriors set higher than level of posteriors
    ~ lipline not maintained

  13. Teeth are in line with the midline
