Thursday, April 18, 2013

Case 15 - F / F Try in

Each student shoud post a comment as to their thoughts regarding correctiins that could be made. You will be evaluated on your reviews.


  1. lower the maxillary anterior teeth to get occlusion right

  2. 1. Maybe just re-angle or position the canine.
    2. wax up is not very pleasing.

  3. the neck of mandibular anterior teeth are straigh, they should be depressed.
    No attention on festooning.

  4. 1.3 more promonent than the 2.3. The long axis of the 1.3 should be angled more towards the distal.

  5. Midline is off. In quadrant 3, the teeth are not on the ridge.

  6. maxillary central incisors to be slightly lowered. midlines do not correspond between the try-in. slight adjustments for better occlusion, nothing major. mandibular posterior teeth on patients left seem to be off the ridge.

  7. Midline is of. Mandibular posteriors can be set more upright and the bite more lowered so that it isnt an edge to edge bite. Posteriors maxillary teeth can be more set to the curve of spee then the occlusion will be better as well.

  8. midline is incorrect.
    set up of anterior teeth are 2 straigh.

  9. Can have better occlusion. Gaps between mandibular and maxillary anteriors. Mandibular teeth slightly off ridge. midline slightly off

  10. the midline is a bit off

  11. Maybe the upper canines and central incisors could be lowered a bit. The mandibular teeth are off the ridge, particularly on the patients left and the labial region. The should be set more lingually.

  12. Mandibular teeth on the patients left are off the ridge.

  13. Teeth are not set according to the midline. The anterior are to flat. Waxup is to messy

  14. angulation of the canine must be distaly, the left side of the madibular teeth must be on the ridge

  15. maxillary anterior teeth are set too high, must be brought down. slight overbite.

  16. - overbite and overjet too small
    - Mandibular posterior teeth are off the ridge - too far buccal
    - improve on occlusion on pts left
    - imcomplete - wax up and festooning
