Friday, April 19, 2013

Case 17 - F / F Try in

Each student shoud post a comment as to their thoughts regarding correctiins that could be made. You will be evaluated on your reviews.


  1. 1. The mandibular premolar necks should be pushed more towards the right in the 1st pic . so that the mesial cusp ridges are raised closing the gap abit more.
    2. Angulation of the canine should be adjusted. incisal edge is to far out, in other words the neck is too far depressed. maxillary anteriors havean over bite and slight over jet. the necks are to far depressed.
    3. Majority of the mandibular teeth don't seem to be on the ridge.

  2. Mandibular teeth aee out of ridge.

  3. the necks of the maxillary central incisors and the lateral incisors are depressed and this gave slight over-jet. there is also too much overbite. The mandibular 4.4 and 4.5 angulation should be tilted a bit to the mesial, to get a nice occlusion.

  4. Canines are hanging slightly and could be angled a little better to close up the diastema's. mandibular teeth fallen off the ridge.

  5. maxillary molars are positioned incorrectly, occlusion may seem good however the buccal cusps of the maxillary molars are in contact with the opposing teeth. a greater diastema present between canine and 1st premolar shouldnt be to that extent. incisal edges of mandibular anterior teeth set ligually to the ridge, should be set a bit more labially for a close enough edge to edge contact with anterior teeth which will also minimize/reduce the effect of a great overbite which isnow present. canine on patients right is hanging and should be reset.

  6. 1.3 could be set better reducing the gap. mandibular posteriors slightly off the ridge. the mandibular anteriors seem to be sticking out labially. 1.1 can be straightened.

  7. Midline is incorrect and mandibular posteriors of patients right is off the ridge. Neck of maxillary 1.2 can be adjusted more mesially.

  8. The lower anterior teeth are a bit high; the maxillary canines necks are to prominent. the posterior lower teeth seems off the ridge.

  9. The gap between the 1.3 and 1.4 is too big and would be quite visible if the patient had to smile. The posteriors should be shifted toward the anterior to close this gap. if the mandibular premolars dont allow for this shift they could be ground and twinsted slightly until occlusion is achieved. The midline is slightly out. The upper anteriors shouldbe shifted to the patients right to correct this.

  10. The mandibular teeth are totally off the ridge.The necks of the maxillary central incisors and the lateral incisors are depressed giving the patient an over-jet, the necks should come out a bit pushing the incisal edge inward and closing the space.

  11. The necks of the incisors and laterals are to depressed.

  12. 1.1 angled incorrectly and 1.3 is hanging a bit. mandibular anteriors are position off the ridge. The arch form is too wide of the mandibular anteriors. noticeable overbite as well as a slight overjet

  13. necks of the maxillary incisors are depressed and mandibular anteriors are totally out of the ridge

  14. maxillary lateral incisors should be brought a bit down.

  15. - try in incomplete
    - overbite too much
    - good occlusion
    - mandibular posterior teeth are set too far buccal
    - occlusal plane not equal on both sides
