Friday, April 19, 2013

Case 19 - F / F Try in

Each student shoud post a comment as to their thoughts regarding correctiins that could be made. You will be evaluated on your reviews.


  1. lower the anterior teeth and work on the occlusion op the posterior teeth, maybe put maxillary posteriot teeth at n slight angle

  2. 1. The teeth on the patients right are sitting off the ridge, labially.
    2.The angulation of the premolars need to be adjusted as allow the facial cusps to contact in the correct place this will also close the gaps and allow for a better occlusion. The last molars neck is to far in, id bring it out dropping the cusps in the rite place.
    3. The necks of the mandibular anteriors could be pushed inwards abit more.

  3. The necks of the maxillary teeth are too prominent they can. Jst push the necks in a bit then. The mandibular teeth will also be positioned. Correctly! The posterior teeth is not on the ridge! Posterior teeth necks must be pushed iin beccause from the anterior view looks like the teeth is being flaired out so curve of monson mst be out

  4. There are lots of gaps beteeen each teeth with opposing one. That means the teeth are not occluding properly.

  5. teeth off the ridge on the mandibular patient's left. the angle of the 4.5 is not correct. the 4.7 needs to be raised to occlude with the 1.7. The 1.1 bit longer than the 2.1

  6. the posterior teeth of the mandible on the patients right is not on the ridge. The occlusion is incorrect as well, the posterior teeth of the maxilla should be shifted backwards a bit in order to correct this error in the occlusion.

  7. Teeth in the 4th quadrant are not on the ridge. The maxillary teeth, necks must be pushed in. incorrect occlusion

  8. necks of canines to prominent, maxillary incisal edges are depressed, necks should be placed toward the ridge. incorrect occlusion between opposing posterior teeth. mandibular teeth off the ridge on patients right.

  9. The right mandibular posterior teeth could be pushed forward a bit so make the occlusion sit better. The 4.7 could be raised until contacting opposing tooth. The mandibular posterior teet are set too buccal, they need to be brought in lingually.

  10. Posterior teeth on quadrant 1 and 4 not occluding correctly, gaps. Posterior teeth cusps not following canines on both archs. teeth on quadrant 4 not on ridge.

  11. The canies neck are too prominent on the maxillary; the maxillary front teeth neck are too inclined labially. The posterior teeth occlusion looks a bit off, the maxillary posteriors should be moved distally to achieve better occlusion.
    on the last picture the posterior teeth seems of the ridge (buccally)

  12. Posterior teeth on mandibular of patients right is off the ridge. Occlusion of posterior teeth is incorrect and the necks of the upper canines are to prominent.

  13. The lateral incisor should be positioned slightly more mesial.
    There is a lot of over jet, therefor setting the anterior teeth of the mandible closer to the anterior teeth of the posterior will make more room in the arch and allow the posterior teeth to occlude.

  14. Teeth on the mandibular right arch are not on the ridge and posterior teeth are not occluding.

  15. The necks of the maxillary canines are to far buccal, the anterior teeth of mandible and maxilla dont have contact, the wax on the right side of the mandible is not adapted well into the sulcus

  16. mandibular posterior teeth are out of the ridge, posterior teeth are not occluding

  17. teeth are set too much anterior. overbite is too much. maxillary posterior teeth should be pushed more back for a occlusion

  18. - Try in incomplete
    - overbite is way too big
    - overbite not constant
    -improve on your occlusion
    - angle of maxillary anterior teeth for lip support is nit correct
