Thursday, April 18, 2013

Case 10 - F/F Try in

Each student shoud post a comment as to their thoughts regarding correctiins that could be made. You will be evaluated on your reviews.


  1. do not like the manner in which this set up has been done

  2. Midline is slightly off. the mandibular posteriors are off the ridge and the mandibular anteriors look like they are falling labially. the 2.2 can be lifted slightly. The 4.5 can be straightened as it is slightly falling distally and neck seems to be too out.

  3. 1. Mandibular anterior necks are too depressed.
    2. maxillary Right central can be raised.

  4. no curve of spee. The necks of the mandibular anteriors are pushed in/depressed and the mid-line is shifted slightlty

  5. on the mandibular model, the teeth are off the ridge and are far too labially. maxillary posterior teeth are hanging too much and should be lifted up which will creat a curve of spee on the mandibular model as there is no curve of spee. The midline of the upper and lower jaws do not correspond.

  6. arch form to square, incorrect curve of spee, maxillary molars should be reset as the buccal cusps are occluding, midline slightly out, 2.2 hanging/lower than centrals,

  7. The mandibular arch is shifted more towards the patients' left on the ridge. This can cause gum resorbtion becuase the biting forces is placed incorrectly. The posterior teeth necks isnt exposed properly. 2.2 can be raised more becuase it is lower than the centrals.

  8. Midline is off.
    The posterior teeth of manible could exposed facially.they look too depressed.

  9. The midline is completely incorrect.
    Mandibular anterior teeth are off the ridge.

  10. The maxilla anteriors are too forward of the ridge and the midline is off; the lower anteriors are set to high;

  11. The lower anteriors are set off the ridge. The incisal portion of them could be pushed in and lowered. The midline is off- lower teeth should be shifted to the pateient's right until the midline is aligned.

  12. mandibular teeth are off the ridge, no curve of spee. The midlines of the two arches do not correspond.

  13. Overet to big. The waxup is messy. No curve of spee

  14. a noticeable overbite and the curve of speed is incorrect. maxillary posterior teeth are lower than the incisors.

  15. no curve of spee and the madibular anteriors are out of the ridge

  16. - maxillary and mandibular midline does not correspond to each other or to that on the model
    - 2.2 too low
    - mandibular teeth are off the ridge - lingually
    - improve occlusion
    - look at the curve of Monson - not equal
    - curve of Spee steeper on one side
