Thursday, April 18, 2013

Case 11 - F/F Try in

Each student shoud post a comment as to their thoughts regarding correctiins that could be made. You will be evaluated on your reviews.


  1. 1. Slight overbite. lower the mandibular anteriors.

  2. Overbite and I pesronaly dont like the festooning.

  3. the long axis of the 1.2 should be tilted slightly to the distal and the neck is depressed. the stippling is too much on the mandibular

  4. Mandibular midline is off. The mandibular teeth is off the ridge.

  5. The midline is off. 1.2 can be raised more. Mandibular teeth can be set more upright. 3.3 can be pushed in a bit. 4.6 can be tilted more mesially to make a straight line with the rest of the posterior teeth.

  6. replacement of 1.2 and 1.3, seems to be hanging slighty

  7. 1.2 can be angled better. midline according to marking on mandible is off. Teeth on 3rd quadrant seem to be off the ridge. necks of posterior teeth on 3rd quadrant needs to be pushed in a little. 3.2 and 4.2 can be angled better. 1.2 can be slightlu lifted.

  8. Mandibular posterior teeth is off the ridge.

  9. The lower anterior teeth seems to be set a bit high, the midline seems off.
    The lower posterior teeth central fossa are not straight on the patients right ridge

  10. The mandibular teeth are set off the ridge, too bucaaly and labially. Too much of an overbite, lower anteriors can be lowered to correct this. Festooning can be worked on.

  11. Mandibular teeth are off the ridge the maxillary lateral incisors should be raised to 1.5mm above the occlusal plane.

  12. A bit of a overbite. The waxup looks incomplete

  13. slight overbite and 1.2 incisal edge is lower than that of the central incisors. 1.2 should be raised as well as 1.3. The mandibular teeth arent set according to the ridge.

  14. 1.2 is not raised and the angulation is not distally

  15. - Occlusion can be improved on molars
    - Raise laterals
    - posterior teeth are slightly off the ridge
    - overall this is a good Try in
    - Curve of Monson is steeper on the left than on the right

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