Friday, April 19, 2013

Case 20 - F / F Try in

Each student shoud post a comment as to their thoughts regarding correctiins that could be made. You will be evaluated on your reviews.


  1. the maxillary anterior teeth must be move toward the mandibular teeth and the cusp alignment is out

  2. 1. Abit of an open bite maybe due to the placement of the posteriors, anteriors don't seem to be making contact.
    2. The necks of the posteriors are not in harmony. 1st premolar should be pushed in 2nd should come out and the molars necks are also too far in.
    3.Also the occlusion is not correct, the cusps are contacting in the wrong places,

  3. I think. That the teeth placement is incorrect and this causes the minimum contact. The necks of the teeth Is not in hormony as well as the compensating curves are not properlly alligned!

  4. Not enough contacts on teeth.the tip of the posterior cusps are touching. The teeth are not set correctly and no attention on gingiva

  5. The maxillary posterior teeth on the patients left is angled incorrectly. the necks should be push out more to correct this fault. The occlusion as seen in figure 2 is incorrect as the teeth arent occluding correctly.

  6. in the maxillary 2nd quadrant, necks are far to inward, must be pushed out. big overjet. maxillary teeth are not in harmony with each other. Occlusion is incorrect as the maxillary teeth do not occlude correctly with the mandibular teeth.

  7. Judging by the occlusion on the patients right, it looks like the 1.6 and 1.7 could be pushed slightly posterior, and the 4.6 and 4.7 be raised slightly to achieve maximum intercuspation. The neck of the 1.3 could be pushed in a little.

  8. replacement of maxillary anterior teeth, the necks should be placed/pushed toward the ridge. occlusal plane incorrect.mandibular posteriors lower than the anterior teeth. neck of maxillary canines to distal. curve of spee is incorrect. mandibular anterior incisal edge placed lingually and should be reset. occlusion of teeth seem to be incorrect in relation to each other

  9. 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 angled wrong.posterior teeth of quadrant 1 and 4 are not occluding. looks like it has a slight overjet. 3.3 and 3.5 angled wrong as well.

  10. 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 angled wrong.posterior teeth of quadrant 1 and 4 are not occluding. looks like it has a slight overjet. 3.3 and 3.5 angled wrong as well.

  11. from the first pic: the midline seems a bit off center, the canines neck seems to be too much inclined bucally, the lower teeth looks a bit high as well.

    from the second pic: the premolars does not look like its occlusal surfaces were placed in the embrasures between the two lower premolars. The position and occlusion of the maxillary posterior teeth are positioned too forward.

    from the third pic: the canine and 1st premolar neck are too bucally inclined and the other posterior teeth have a more straight angle. that affect the harmony

  12. Occlusion of posterior teeth are incorrect.
    Has an open bite and theres no contact between anteriors.
    2.3 canine of maxilla can be adjusted more mesially

  13. Posterior teeth are not occluding. 2.3 incisal edge is slanting towards the palate.

  14. the posterior teeth on the patient's left are too depressed, the long axis of the 2.3 is too distally and the posterior teeth are not occluding

  15. posterior teeth are not occluding and the overjet is too much

  16. - maxillary anterior teeth are set too far forward
    - occlusion correct
    - overjet too big
    - improve inclination of all posterior teeth
    - try in incomplete
