Thursday, April 18, 2013

Case 7 - F/F try in

Each student shoud post a comment as to their thoughts regarding correctiins that could be made. You will be evaluated on your reviews.


  1. 1.1 is less exposed than 2.1.
    Gingiva roll on mandible has lots of scratches.

  2. The last molar can be lowered on the patients' right. mandibular canine 4.3 can be lowerd as well.

  3. 4.3 can be lowered to correlate with the adjacent teeth. the maxillary first and second molar on the patients right can be raised a bit higher.

  4. The 4.5 could be straightened because the long axis looks like it's lying too mesially. First, the occlusal anatomy on the 4.5 may have to be ground down so that when it is straightened out, the opposing tooth doesn't bite down onto it and push it back into the wrong position. The 4.3 could be lowered and the neck could be pushed out a little.

  5. The gingival margins can be carved down on patients right on mandible. anterior teeth of mandible need to be lowered slightly and also be straightened as they are lying lingually.mandibular 1st premolar on patients right can be lowered slightly and the second premolar looks like it is falling distally. The 2.2 on the mesial is pushed lingually and can be brought out so the mesial aspect of the tooth is visible unless it is meant to look "natural".

  6. The 1.3 is more prominent than the 2.3. The 3.3 neck is more exposed than the 4.3 neck. Teeth are not occluding on the patients left. The posterior teeth can be set again placing one tooth in relation to the other in the opposing arch until the last molar.

  7. mandibular anterior teeth can be lowered

  8. 1. good harmony in the mandibular setup, however the patients right posteriors eem lower than the left.

  9. the maxillary right canine is more promonent, the neck of the 4.3 is also depressed and the tooth should be lowered. the occlusion is not correct on patient's right

  10. great over bite, canines seem to be hanging, mandibular anterior teeth need to be lowered

  11. Mandibular 1.5 can be angled better. mandibular teeth in the 3rd quadrant is higher than the teeth in the 4th quadrant. mandibular anterior teeth are higher than the posterior teeth.

  12. mandibular teeth are skew.
    Can improve posterior occlusion.

  13. The lower anterior teeth are set to high;

    The occlusion of the four opposing premolars could be improved

  14. Mandibulr teeth are not in line with midline. Overjet a bit t big.

  15. - try in slanting to pts right
    - overbite too much/large
    - improve on occlusion
    - midline does not correspond to lines on the model
    - lipline not maintained - short
    - when waxing up remember that the gingival line should flow from the canines towards the 2nd molar and narrows towards the 2nd molar
    - inclination of maxillary anterior teeth incorrect - too far palatally
    - wax on teeth
