Thursday, April 18, 2013

Case 14 - F/F Try in

Each student shoud post a comment as to their thoughts regarding correctiins that could be made. You will be evaluated on your reviews.


  1. 1. Big over bite. mandibular anteriors should be lowered.

  2. the 1.3 is more prominent than the 2.3. The 1.1 is bit longer than the 2.1. the mid-line is slightly shifted because the mandibular central incisors are not positioned correctly. the neck of the 1.2 is not in harmony with the 1.1

  3. The 1.3 can be positioned better, neck far to out. Mandibular anterior teeth not on the ridge.

  4. incisal edge of mandibular anterior teeth should be brought more labially to eliminate the effect of a great overbite. 4.1 leaning mesially. 1.2 should be reset to follow arch form of other teeth

  5. Over bite.
    The axes of 1.1 1.2 &1.3 is diffrent than 2.1 2.2 &2.3. The patients rights anteriors needs to reset.

  6. The midline of upper and lower is incorrect (not in line) and the neck of the 1.3 can be adjusted more distally.

  7. 4th quadrant off ridge.midline on mandible off. mandibular anterior teeth looks like it is leaning to the patients left or it could just be the 4.1 thats angled wrong.1.3 is not set properly.

  8. The lower teeth anteriors are too high and tey are set too labially, off the ridge.

  9. The midline is out due to the lower incisors not being straight. They just need to be slightly straightened out, particularly the 4.1 which is lying too mesially. The mandibular teeth on the patients right are set too buccally so need to be set more lingually to straighten out the arch. The posterior occlusion looks good

  10. 1.2 neck is slightly depressed. The mandibular midline is out. The 1.3 is not in harmony with the posterior teeth.

  11. The neck of 1.3 is to buccal. The over bite to big

  12. i like the occlusion but the 1.2 is on the same level as 1.1

  13. overbite... the 4.1 and 3.1 ineeds to set straight to accomodate the midline.

  14. - overbite is too big
    - good occlusion
    - stipple and festoon
    - Curve of Spee and Monson are not equal on both sides
    - Canine and posterior teeth are set lower than the maxillary central incisors
