Thursday, April 18, 2013

Case 9 - F/F Try in

Each student shoud post a comment as to their thoughts regarding correctiins that could be made. You will be evaluated on your reviews.


  1. the mandibular teeth are not placed on the ridge and the angle of the lateral incisors for me personally is to scew

  2. Mandibular posteriors are not on the ridge. it looks like the mandibular anteriors are falling lingually. the maxillary anteriors also seem like they are falling "in" lingually. The maxillary laterals are slanted too much.

  3. 1. Overbite. mandibular anteriors can be lowered and repositioned more labially thus them being on the ridge.
    2. Angulation of the maxillary laterals could possibly work.

  4. Mandibular posteriors are not on the ridge. the teeth are tired ;) towards to lingual.

  5. mandibular posteriors are too much lingually, not on the ridge. the 2.2 should be tilted a bit to the mesial.

  6. Mandibular posterior teeth, 3.6 and 3.7 and 4.6 and 4.7 are not on the ridge. Too much of an overbite and the maxillary teeth has to be brought out, necks must be pushed inward.

  7. mandibular posterior teeth are place lingually on the ridge, incisal edges of maxillary anterior teeth need to be brought forward, the maxillary lateral incisors are placed as if the try-in is set up for a female patient(thumbs up for character), incisal edges/placement of mandibular anterior need to be brought anterior(biting forces), anterior teeth should not be caved in, teeth placed straight on mandibular try-in for edge to edge contact

  8. The ridge has been marked, but the teeth isnt placed on the ridge. 1.4 angulatin can be changed to close the gap between the 1st pre molar and the canine. The mandibular anteriors is positioned lingually, it can be brought out more labially so that there isnt an overbite. 2.2 is a bit too skew personally. The canines can also come out a bit on the maxilary then the mandibular teeth won't be lying so lingually.

  9. Lateral incisors of maxilla can be adjusted more mesially.
    posterior teeth of mandible of patients right is off the ridge.

  10. The lower posterior teeth seems to be of the ridge; the midline is off

  11. The mandible Is off the ridge a lot, and tapers inwards towards the posterior. They need to be set more lingually and straightned out. The neck of the 3.3 needs to be pushed in. The mandibuler anteriors need to be lowered to lessen the overbite.

  12. Mandibular anterior incisal edges are depressed causing an overbite, the mandibuar posterior teeth are off the ridge.

  13. Maxillary incisors to flat facialy. Maxillary posteriors necks to depressed

  14. big overbite, 2.2 and 1.2 necks are angled too distally. Mandibular teeth arent corresponding to the mandibles ridge.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. ~ try in/ wax up incomplete
      ~ peripheral roll too thick
      ~ mandibular teeth off tge ridge - lingually
      ~ curve of Spee and Monson not equal on either side of arch
      ~ maxillary incisors incisal edge should be opposite mandibular sulcus area
      ~ improve occlusion
