Thursday, April 18, 2013

Case 3 - Full try in

Each student shoud post a comment as to their thoughts regarding correctiins that could be made. You will be evaluated on your reviews.


  1. could have done less stippling and 1.1's long axis is a bit too distal. its causing the centrals to appear as if they are placed at an incorrect angle.

  2. The 1.2 neck is slightly depressed so it is not aligned with the teeth next to it. I would push it out a bit, and by looking at the 2.2 i would have a guide of how far out i should push it.

  3. The central fossae of the mandibular posteriors dont seem to be forming a straight line. the anteriors on the patients right seem to be higher than the anteriors on the patients left or it could just be the way the person waxed up and carved the gingival margins????

  4. the mid-line shifted just slightly, and the neck of the maxillary right lateral incisor is depressed and exposed too much.

  5. from anterior view it seems as the try-in is leaning to the patients right, therefore the occlusal plane has not been set correctly. incisal edge of maxillary central incisors are set inward(neck to prominent). good occlusion, however, neck of 1.6(1st molar) could be pushed in for lateral excursions,should present itself as 2nd molar

  6. the mandibular teeth in quadrant 3 is higher than in quadrant 4 which looks as if the try in is lob-sided. maxillary posterior teeth are hanging.

  7. The front teeth are positioned to forward; the midline is a bit off

  8. - mandibular posterior teeth set lower than the anterior teeth
    - midline on the models does not correspond to that of the teeth
    - lipline well maintained
    - good occlusion
    - teeth from canine, pts right, hanging slightly lower than occlusal plane; which affects the curve of Spee
    - inter alveolar distance open by 1mm
    - slight adjustment to the mandibular canines and you will have good balanced occlusion
    - good try in
