Thursday, April 18, 2013

Case 8 - F/F try in

Each student shoud post a comment as to their thoughts regarding correctiins that could be made. You will be evaluated on your reviews.


  1. The mandibular posterior teeth should be raised as well as the maxillary posterior teeth

  2. Mandibular anteriors are too high to compare with the posteriors.

  3. The mandibular anteriors could be lowered to close the step that is created between them and the posteriors. It would also close the overbite which i think is too much. The maxillary lateral incisors look too raised and could be lowered.

  4. I agree that the mandibular anteriors are too high and also falling lingually. the maxillary laterals can be lowered slightly. This patient would not have sideways movement when chewing, the mandibular laterals being so high would prevent it. Wax up isnt so bad.

  5. The maxillary lateral incisors are too high up the occlusal plane making the central incisors look like bunny teeth. I would bring them down to 1.5mm above the occlusal plane (table).

  6. the mandibular incisors are too high and makes the denture to have too much overbite ,the maxillary lateral incisors are slightly short which makes the central incisors and the canine looks longer,i would slightly bring them down,

  7. the maxillary posterior teeth are set to straight and the mandibular posterior teeth are placed too deep into wax

  8. 1. too big an overbite.
    2. Good curves of spee and monson.
    3, Lowering the mandibular anteriors will harmonize them with the posteriors.

  9. *Patients right central, the angulation of the neck could be more to the distal.

  10. Maxillary laterals need to be dropped slightly, canines are hanging so they must be lifted a bit. Mandibular posterior teeth need to be lifted alot as they are not in harmony with the anterior teeth. anterior teeth are far to high.

  11. extreme over bite, maxillary lateral incisors need to be lowered, mandibular posterior teeth are much lower than the anterior teeth, all excursions will be problematic

  12. Midline is incorrect.
    laterals of maxilla is to high.

  13. The lower anterior teeth are set to high
    The occlusal plane is incorrect, the curve of spee is incorrect.

  14. Big overbite. No root effect on anterior of the mandible. Incisors are over midline

  15. too much over jet but the curve of spee and monson is nice

  16. - overbite too big
    - improve your occlusion
    - laterals too high - maxilla
    - mandibular anterior teeth too high and does not follow the occlusal plane
